Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The house that Ron Tussing built -- Part II

It will be interesting to see what the jury comes up with in the Feuerstein case against the Billings Police Department. While Montana Headlines has never made any bones about the lack of regard we hold for then Chief of Police and current Mayor Ron Tussing, behind whom a wake of turmoil seems always to swirl, the plaintiff's case seems weak from what little one can tell from press reports.

Montana juries have a tendency to be conservative, and tend not to feel sorry for complainers, so more than likely the decision will be in favor of the City of Billings. And since when does Montana Headlines cheer for trial lawyers suing for damages?

But then, one never knows -- only the jury has all of the presented evidence and only they have the reponsibility to sort through it all to make a decision.

Will lessons be learned from this that will make the Billings Police Department a more unified and peaceful place to work? Probably not -- at least as long as certain people are still around to stir the pot.

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