Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"You can't make this stuff up"

GOP strategist Scott Reed, being quoted in the NYT, pretty much says it all:

“The real question for Republicans in Washington is how low can you go, because we are approaching a level of ridiculousness,” said Mr. Reed, sounding exasperated in an interview on Tuesday morning.

“You can’t make this stuff up. And the impact this is having on the grass-roots around the country is devastating.

Republicans think the governing class in Washington are a bunch of buffoons who have total disregard for the principles of the party, the law of the land and the future of the country.”


GeeGuy said...

Amazingly, it was just the other day that I said that the governing class in Washington are a bunch of buffoons who have total disregard for the people of the country, the law of the land and the future of the country.

Montana Headlines said...

Well, that just shows that GOP strategists are reading Electric City and correctly surmising that it reflects GOP grassroots disgust.

Sean Hannity, on the other hand, may read Montana Headlines, but he obviously doesn't pay attention to what is said, since last night was spent whining about double standards regarding sex scandals for Democrats -- exactly what we said twice this week would be a stupid and deeply flawed (to say the least) Republican response to the Craig scandal.

Hannity actually was upset about the injustice of it because all Craig had done was "play footsie" with the undercover cop, whereas Clinton actually had sex with Lewinsky.

Never mind the point that the real issue for Democrats of the Lewinsky bit (leaving the minor issue of perjury out of it) should have been that feminists tell us that women in the workplace are by definition victims of sexual predation when their bosses (who are in a position of power over them) have casual sex with them -- even when the women convince themselves that it is consensual and that they want it.